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Public Speaker Skills & Tips: The Pursuit of Worthwhile

Writer's picture: Bonita NuttallBonita Nuttall
Public Speaker Skills Tips
Dr Andrew The Good Doctor

"Very few things that are worthwhile in life come without a cost...” Dr. Andrew, The Good Doctor.

I love this TV show and specifically many of the great lessons, and values they convey in it. 

Like the value of recognising that in our pursuit of great dreams, experiences and even the realisation of our own great potential - there is oftentimes a cost. 

Sometimes, the cost of failure, or setbacks, which can take its toll on us, emotionally, psychologically, or even financially.

It could cost some friendships, or relationships as we step deeper into our authentic truth, as we evolve and take actions that follow our own internal North Star. 

And it always costs us our dearest, invaluable, finite treasure - our heartbeats.

Then again, not pursuing them costs us even more. 

Connecting to, and using our voice is one of the most powerful ways to express who we are in the world. 

It's how we change the world for good. 

It's how we can say, "I was here."

And it's one of the most powerful ways we can honour the gift of each heartbeat. 

Your voice, your message, your truth - your heartbeats , how are you sharing you today and in what small way could you risk just a little bit more as you "Turn Up the YOU", by sharing something worthwhile about you, with the world?

Developing your speaking capabilities may cost you some heartbeats, but at least they will be calmer beats, and exciting beats, even powerful and impactful beats as you pursue the very worthwhile in and of YOU. 

My most recent Pursuit of Worthwhile

This week I had the honour and delight of MC'ing the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ) national Accounting and Audio Seminar 2023.

With a 4:30am start it was still dark out, but excitement was brewing!! 

Public Speaking Skills Tips
Before the event at 5:30am

Being a professional MC requires a great investment of time, energy and passion.

With numerous meetings with the organisers, other speakers / presenters, and tech crew, I received the brief, and technical requirements.

Then it was time to take all the info and turn it into magic!!

With hours spent researching, writing scripts, editing content and rehearsing, there was also the important aspect of the technology to take care of.

Making sure my lighting, sound and technology set up meant that I could easily be seen, heard and that I could manage a multitude of platforms, windows and features of the event's software platform, which was a little tricky but super fun!!

It enabled me to toggle between my script while focusing on looking into camera (because I don't have a teleprompter), moderate the chat, polls, Q&A and handle any speaker requirements, or technology challenges that popped up.

My brain was in first gear - for a good 10 hours!

Each session required a friendly pre-check in with the speakers of that session and some general connecting, while in session requires active listening, taking notes, facilitating questions, polls and engaging with the speaker/s from time to time.

Was it scary? Heck yea! Was I nervous - absolutely! And do I still sometimes doubt myself before I begin, yes.

The difference now, is that because of my years' worth of experience, as well as my personal development and professional development in myself, I'm able to rise above that fear, those thoughts of failure and step into a practiced state of evolution that allows me to do what I do and love it.

In the end, I had the honour of wrapping up the entire event with a few key takeaways, reminders and the final Te Reo Maori greeting as I wished everyone a good night.

Public Speaking Skills and Tips
After the Event! ✨

By the end of the day, that’s the smile that bubbled up after doing what I love, coupled with working with such an amazing team of professionals to deliver a brilliant event that supports a very important industry. 

A massive thank you and congratulations to Pia Argiratos, Srishti Bhatnagar and their events team from CAANZ on your brilliant event!

And to the CMS Australasia, with Hayley Stone and their entire team of technical wizards who seamlessly navigated the event and made it all slick, sound and look fantastic.

It was such a pleasure and delight to be a part of it and reminded me of my own pursuit of worthwhile.

While it tapped into many a heartbeat, each and every one resounded from a place of knowingness that this is my worthwhile.

My worthwhile cost me time, energy, effort, and years' worth of experience practicing my craft, learning new technologies and making sure the #1 thing still happens through it all:


There is a cost, but the reward is so worthwhile that I'd do it a million times over!

I acknowledge that not everyone enjoys this as much as the other. But I also know that we all are faced with worthwhile pursuits from time to time that require us to stand up, speak up and share who we are with the world.

They require our heartbeats.

It's one of the reasons I love doing the work I do.

I love helping people deliver their worthwhile through my public speaking training, mentoring and coaching programs.

My programs not only offer Public Speaker skills tips and strategies for immediate improvement, but also generate new, long-lasting changes and capabilities to help you grow your business, elevate your brand and increase your income.

If that sounds like something you've been wanting to exploring, improve on and do, but you've been putting it off, I'd love to chat and see how we can set up your 2024 for great success!!

Here's to your worthwhile, and to you delivering it with excellence! ✨☺️🙏🏻


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